
South Cuyahoga News

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

There were 10,699 fifth grade students in Cuyahoga County schools in 2022-23 school year

Webp superintendent of public instruction j christopher woolard 2023

OH Superintendent of Public Instruction J. Christopher Woolard 2023 | Ohio Department of Education

OH Superintendent of Public Instruction J. Christopher Woolard 2023 | Ohio Department of Education

There were 10,699 fifth grade students enrolled in Cuyahoga County schools in the 2022-23 school year, 5.7% less than the previous year, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.

Berea-Midpark Middle School welcomed most of the fifth grade students in the county, registering 396 students.

Within Cuyahoga County schools, the highest student count was found in ninth grade, with the smallest class sizes seen in pre-kindergarten.

Statewide, Cuyahoga County ranked second in enrollment numbers, with a total of 150,622 students enrolled in the 2022-23 school year. It was also ranked second the year before.

In 2022, Ohio saw an average student-to-teacher ratio of approximately 1:15, which is an improvement for the state and is lower than the national average of 1:16.

Despite the apparent improvement, this positive trend is overshadowed by a general decline in public school enrollments, which was accelerated by the pandemic. This decline, aligned with the steady number of teachers in the state over the last 10 years, has led to low student-to-teacher ratios.

Cuyahoga County Enrollment by Grade - Yearly Comparison

Pre-kindergartenKindergartenGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 1205,00010,00015,0002021-22 school year2022-23 school year

Fifth Grade Enrollment in Cuyahoga County Schools for 2022-23 School Year

School name# of 5th Grade Students Enrolled% of Student BodyTotal Enrollment
Berea-Midpark Middle School396261,522
Orchard Middle School34245.9745
Alternative Education Academy3275.75,701
Woodbury Elementary School30648.9626
Ohio Connections Academy Inc.2996.24,829
North Royalton Middle School28723.71,211
Pine School27150.7534
Greenbriar Middle School26032.4803
Olmsted Falls Intermediate Building25953.2487
Dover Intermediate School25852.3493
Barack Obama School22149.3448
Greenview Upper Elementary School21633.6642
Hillside Middle School19335.2549
Kensington Intermediate Elementary School19232.3595
Shiloh Middle School17734.6512
Bay Middle School16323.3700
Warrensville Heights Elementary School13214.9884
Moreland Hills Elementary School12813.9923
Gilles-Sweet Elementary School12323.3528
Chagrin Falls Intermediate Elementary School11831.2378
Hilltop Elementary School11233.9330
Columbus Intermediate School10932341
Kinsner Elementary School10115.8640
Lander Elementary School9618.6517
Carylwood Intermediate School9135.1259
Maple Leaf Elementary School9020.2445
Muraski Elementary School8917.7503
William Foster Elementary School8917.1521
Shoreview Elementary School8820.7425
Millridge Elementary School8614.5594
Independence Middle School8626.9320
Joseph M. Gallagher School8312.8646
Constellation Schools: Parma Community8171,157
Brooklyn Intermediate School8012.4643
Mayfair Elementary School8039.8201
Arbor Elementary School7921.1374
Whitney Elementary School7817.9435
Chardon Hills Elementary School7718.9408
Campus International School7611694
Bluestone Elementary School7322.5324
Pinnacle Academy7010699
Surrarrer Elementary School6918.5373
Garfield Elementary School6811.9570
Clark School6610.2644
Grant Elementary School6519.3337
Emerson Elementary School6318.7337
Mayfield Center Elementary School6114.2430
Orchard School6111.9511
Noble Elementary School6114.8412
Elmwood Elementary School6018.5324
Wade Park6011.7513
Richmond Heights Elementary School5915.2388
Cuyahoga Hts Elementary School5916.5357
Fairfax Elementary School5818.8308
Harvey Rice Elementary School5712.2469
Constellation Schools: Old Brooklyn Community Middle School5723.5243
Canterbury Elementary School5517323
Robinson G. Jones Elementary School5412.2444
Andrew J. Rickoff5412449
Chapman Elementary School5313409
Adlai Stevenson School5111.4446
Artemus Ward489.8490
Broadway Academy4711.8400
Scranton School4710.2460
Boulevard Elementary School4717276
Robert H. Jamison School4711.7401
Franklin D. Roosevelt4611417
Mound Elementary School4612.2378
Nathan Hale School4510.3436
Roxboro Elementary School4419.2229
Wilbur Wright School448.9497
Thomas Jefferson School446.2707
Miles Park School4411.6379
Gearity Professional Development School4211.4370
Luis Munoz Marin School419456
Apex Academy418.9459
Riverside School418.9463
Marion C. Seltzer Elementary School4111.1369
Newton D. Baker School4110.8378
Harrison Elementary School4115.6262
Benjamin Franklin408.7462
Paul L. Dunbar Elementary School399.9393
Oxford Elementary School3814.4264
Euclid Preparatory School379.6384
Michael R. White368.6419
Horace Mann Elementary School3614.2254
Roosevelt Elementary School3616.6217
Clara E. Westropp School369.4381
Cleveland Metro Remote School K-12358.2428
Lincoln Park Academy3512.1289
Warner Girls Leadership Academy349.3365
William C. Bryant Elementary School348.7392
Charles A. Mooney School3410.3331
William Rainey Harper339366
Noble Academy-Cleveland339.3353
Lincoln Elementary School3313.4247
Lake Erie College Preparatory School3311.9278
Cleveland Arts and Social Sciences Academy3312276
Douglas MacArthur3212.1265
Dike School of Arts319.5328
Mary M. Bethune3110.4297
Constellation Schools: Westpark Community Middle School3121.7143
Hope Academy Northcoast309333
East Academy3011.2269
Global Village Academy3012249
Charles Dickens School3011273
George Washington Carver297.7379
Hayes Elementary School2910.3281
Whitney M. Young299.2314
Oliver Hazard Perry Elementary School299.4307
Tremont Montessori School297.6381
Walton School2911.9243
STEAM Academy of Warrensville Heights2911.9244
Memorial School287.4377
Willson School288349
The Brilliance School2810.7262
Daniel E. Morgan School2810.2274
Hannah Gibbons-Nottingham Elementary School2811.3247
Constellation Schools: Puritas Community Middle School2722.1122
Global Ambassadors Language Academy268.9293
Euclid Park Elementary School268.7300
Louis Agassiz School2611.6225
Louisa May Alcott Elementary School2513.6184
Patrick Henry School259.9252
Orchard Park Academy259.4265
Waverly Elementary School258.4299
Anton Grdina247.1340
Bella Academy of Excellence2413.8174
Horizon Science Academy-Denison Middle School249.5252
Albert Bushnell Hart249.7247
Miles School249.8244
Marion-Sterling Elementary School238.9259
University of Cleveland Preparatory School2312.4185
Horizon Science Academy-Cleveland Middle School2210.2215
East Preparatory Academy2211.8187
Washington Park Community School2212.4177
Harvard Avenue Performance Academy217.6275
Alfred Benesch208.3241
Ohio College Preparatory School209.3215
Constellation Schools: Madison Community Elementary School209.7207
Mary B. Martin School198.2232
West Park Academy198.8215
Kenneth W. Clement1911.8161
Constellation Schools: Eastside Arts Academy1917112
Green Inspiration Academy1912.4153
Constellation Schools: Westside Community School of the Arts189.5189
Constellation Schools: Stockyard Community Elementary School1812.7142
Albert Einstein Academy for Letters Arts and Sciences-Ohio174.2401
Gates Mills Elementary School1616.597
Valley View Elementary School159.1165
East Clark136.7195
Cleveland Preparatory Academy128.9135
Summit Academy Community School-Parma128.8137
North Royalton Elementary School001,432
Westlake Elementary School001,208
Westerly Elementary School00377
Pleasant Valley Elementary School00728
Brook Park Elementary School00963
Dorothy E. Lewis Elementary School00557
Grindstone Elementary School00644
Big Creek Elementary School00535
Grace L. Roxbury Elementary School00527
Parkside Elementary School00517
Dentzler Elementary School00456
Lomond Elementary School00380
Thoreau Park Elementary School00409
Independence Primary School00449
Boulevard Elementary School00299
Onaway Elementary School00400
Fernway Elementary School00302
Constellation Schools: Old Brooklyn Community Elementary School00260
Green Valley Elementary School00337
Mercer Elementary School00311
Ridge-Brook Elementary School00302
Renwood Elementary School00254
Parma Park Elementary School00246
John Muir Elementary School00358
Constellation Schools: Westpark Community Elementary School00227
Constellation Schools: Puritas Community Elementary School00155
Innovation Academy West00104
SMART Academy0095
Falls-Lenox Primary Elementary School00738
J. F. Kennedy School00446
Chestnut Intermediate Elementary School00399
Maple Intermediate Elementary School00392
Rowland Elementary School00451
Sunview Elementary School00362
Adrian Elementary School00288
Huber Heights Preparatory Academy dba Parma Academy00173
Goldwood Primary Elementary School00536
Normandy Elementary School00497
Central Primary School00398
Bryden Elementary School00288
Glendale Primary School00296
Caledonia Elementary School00250
Abraham Lincoln School00503
Euclid Schools Early Learning Village00558
Olmsted Falls Early Childhood Center00323
Birch Elementary School00342
Parkview Early Education Center00133
Cleveland Academy for Scholarship Technology and Leadership00320
Promise Academy0097
Constellation Schools: Stockyard Community Middle School0047
Regent High School00235
Old Brook High School00338
George V. Voinovich High School0014
Frederick Douglass High School00325
T2 Honors Academy00100
Flex High School Cleveland00121
North Shore High School00206
Bay High School00747
Beachwood High School00506
Beachwood Middle School00302
Bedford High School00774
Heskett Middle School00571
Berea-Midpark High School001,574
Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School001,164
Brecksville-Broadview Heights Middle School00796
Brooklyn High School00417
Collinwood High School00303
Ginn Academy00315
East Technical High School00412
MC^2 STEM High School00241
Design Lab @ Health Careers0028
New Technology West00311
Facing History High School@Charles Mooney00153
Glenville High School00409
Cleveland High School for the Digital Arts00338
John F. Kennedy High School00611
Bard Early College Cleveland00364
John Marshall School of Engineering00416
John Marshall School of Business and Civic Leadership00450
John Marshall School of Information Technology00447
Lincoln West School of Global Studies00367
Lincoln West School of Science & Health00246
Rhodes School of Environmental Studies00352
Rhodes College and Career Academy00542
John Adams College & Career Academy00511
Campus International High School00275
Davis Aerospace & Maritime High School00243
Cleveland Early College High00283
Garrett Morgan School of Leadership and Innovation00340
Cleveland School of Architecture & Design00267
Max S. Hayes High School00613
The School of One00275
Garrett Morgan School of Engineering & Innovation00410
Cleveland School of the Arts High School00386
Cleveland School of Science & Medicine00397
Cleveland Heights High School001,553
Tiger Virtual Academy0013
Monticello Middle School00529
Roxboro Middle School00579
Shaw High School00526
W. H. Kirk Middle School00286
Euclid Middle School00932
Euclid High School001,417
Euclid Virtual Learning Academy0083
Fairview High School00446
Lewis F. Mayer Middle School00349
Garfield Heights High School001,003
Garfield Heights Middle School00725
Harding Middle School00465
Garfield Middle School00453
Lakewood High School001,318
Franklin School of Opportunity Online0079
Milkovich Middle School00718
Maple Heights High School00954
Mayfield High School001,322
Mayfield Middle School00933
North Olmsted High School001,046
North Olmsted Middle School00807
North Royalton High School001,317
Normandy High School001,252
Parma High School001,181
Valley Forge High School001,379
Rocky River Middle School00572
Rocky River High School00840
Shaker Hts Middle School00658
Shaker Hts High School001,447
Brush High School00948
Memorial Junior High School00498
Strongsville High School001,711
Strongsville Middle School001,242
Warrensville Heights High School00487
Warrensville Heights Middle School00366
Lee Burneson Middle School00499
Westlake High School001,037
Chagrin Falls High School00543
Chagrin Falls Middle School00261
Cuyahoga Hts High School00262
Cuyahoga Hts Middle School00162
Independence High School00297
Olmsted Falls High School001,019
Olmsted Falls Middle School00799
Ballard Brady Middle School00437
Orange High School00550
Richmond Heights Middle School00141
Richmond Heights High School00242
Solon High School001,438
Solon Middle School00761
Invictus High School00315
Lake Erie International High School00186
Randall Park High School00165


Pinnacle AcademyRiverside SchoolFairfax Elementary SchoolBallard Brady Middle SchoolCaledonia Elementary SchoolOxford Elementary SchoolBedford High SchoolAdrian Elementary SchoolWesterly Elementary SchoolSolon Middle SchoolGarfield Middle SchoolRowland Elementary SchoolLander Elementary SchoolConstellation Schools: Westpark Community Elementary SchoolIndependence High SchoolSolon High SchoolSunbeamAbraham Lincoln SchoolBella Academy of ExcellenceConstellation Schools: Stockyard Community Elementary SchoolMercer Elementary SchoolConstellation Schools: Parma CommunityRenwood Elementary SchoolCuyahoga Hts Elementary SchoolShaw High SchoolConstellation Schools: Madison Community Elementary SchoolOrange High SchoolNoble Elementary SchoolNewton D. Baker SchoolRoxboro Middle SchoolShaker Hts Middle SchoolOnaway Elementary SchoolGreen Valley Elementary SchoolGinn AcademyMayfair Elementary SchoolConstellation Schools: Old Brooklyn Community Elementary SchoolOhio Connections Academy IncHilltop Elementary SchoolEast ClarkThomas Jefferson SchoolHillside Middle SchoolBoulevard Elementary SchoolFranklin D. RooseveltMary M. BethuneWilbur Wright SchoolHorace Mann Elementary SchoolBrecksville-Broadview Heights High SchoolHorizon Science Academy-Denison Middle SchoolKensington Intermediate Elementary SchoolEast Technical High SchoolMiles SchoolMound Elementary SchoolClark SchoolCharles Dickens SchoolGreenview Upper Elementary SchoolCuyahoga Hts Middle SchoolCleveland School of the Arts High SchoolDenisonNoble Academy-ClevelandElmwood Elementary SchoolParma Park Elementary SchoolGilles-Sweet Elementary SchoolRobinson G. Jones Elementary SchoolBay High SchoolPromise AcademyDaniel E. Morgan SchoolCanterbury Elementary SchoolOlmsted Falls High SchoolOrchard Middle SchoolLewis F. Mayer Middle SchoolPleasant Valley Elementary SchoolFernway Elementary SchoolRoxboro Elementary SchoolFalls-Lenox Primary Elementary SchoolGlobal Village AcademyGlenville High SchoolRoosevelt Elementary SchoolEmerson Elementary SchoolBeachwood Middle SchoolOlmsted Falls Early Childhood CenterChapman Elementary SchoolLakewood High SchoolApex AcademyGoldwood Primary Elementary SchoolAnton GrdinaBenjamin FranklinJohn F. Kennedy High SchoolNormandy High SchoolBoulevard Elementary SchoolBirch Elementary SchoolRidge-Brook Elementary SchoolHeskett Middle SchoolWilliam C. Bryant Elementary SchoolRocky River Middle SchoolValley View Elementary SchoolTremont Montessori SchoolLincoln Elementary SchoolRichmond Heights Elementary SchoolBig Creek Elementary SchoolWade ParkWalton SchoolCharles A. Mooney SchoolLee Burneson Middle SchoolRocky River High SchoolIndependence Middle SchoolWaverly Elementary SchoolMichael R. WhiteHannah Gibbons-Nottingham Elementary SchoolMayfield Middle SchoolWillson SchoolCollinwood High SchoolCarylwood Intermediate SchoolShiloh Middle SchoolMayfield Center Elementary SchoolLouis Agassiz SchoolChagrin Falls Middle SchoolDorothy E. Lewis Elementary SchoolNorth Olmsted High SchoolMaple Heights High SchoolIndependence Primary SchoolHarvey Rice Elementary SchoolCentral Primary SchoolConstellation Schools: Puritas Community Middle SchoolFairview High SchoolBrecksville-Broadview Heights Middle SchoolJohn Muir Elementary SchoolHope Academy NorthcoastWarner Girls Leadership AcademyConstellation Schools: Eastside Arts AcademyAdlai Stevenson SchoolValley Forge High SchoolNorth Olmsted Middle SchoolBay Middle SchoolHorizon Science Academy-Cleveland Middle SchoolChagrin Falls Intermediate Elementary SchoolBryden Elementary SchoolBuhrerNormandy Elementary SchoolGrindstone Elementary SchoolThoreau Park Elementary SchoolConstellation Schools: Puritas Community Elementary SchoolCleveland Arts And Social Sciences AcademyGreenbriar Middle SchoolScranton SchoolMillridge Elementary SchoolHayes Elementary SchoolEuclid High SchoolCuyahoga Hts High SchoolLuis Munoz Marin SchoolKinsner Elementary SchoolMilkovich Middle SchoolCleveland Heights High SchoolClara E. Westropp SchoolMemorial Junior High SchoolMiles Park SchoolArtemus WardMayfield High SchoolGates Mills Elementary SchoolParma High SchoolAndrew J. RickoffMarion-Sterling Elementary SchoolBroadway AcademyBeachwood High SchoolWilliam Foster Elementary SchoolNorth Royalton Middle SchoolRobert H. Jamison SchoolNorth Royalton High SchoolBoltonJoseph M. Gallagher SchoolMonticello Middle SchoolBrooklyn High SchoolColumbus Intermediate SchoolLouisa May Alcott Elementary SchoolGlendale Primary SchoolWoodbury Elementary SchoolMaple Intermediate Elementary SchoolParkside Elementary SchoolHarrison Elementary SchoolEuclid Park Elementary SchoolLomond Elementary SchoolHarding Middle SchoolChagrin Falls High SchoolOlmsted Falls Middle SchoolMemorial SchoolGrace L. Roxbury Elementary SchoolMarion C. Seltzer Elementary SchoolGarfield Elementary SchoolMary B. Martin SchoolGarfield Heights High SchoolDouglas MacarthurBrush High SchoolGrant Elementary SchoolChestnut Intermediate Elementary SchoolOlmsted Falls Intermediate BuildingMax S. Hayes High SchoolMuraski Elementary SchoolGarfield Heights Middle SchoolDentzler Elementary SchoolMoreland Hills Elementary School


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