34345 Bainbridge RoadSolon East$215,000Property Tax (2019): $4,317.12Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.01%Buyer: Philip G. and Rebecca L. SchmehlSeller: Beth L Terrell and Erick J Gustin
6713 Duneden Ave.Solon West$316,000Property Tax (2019): $6,887.18Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.18%Buyer: Adrianne D JohnsonSeller: Deanna J. and Theodore M. Dunn
32515 Jefferson DriveSolon West$165,000Property Tax (2019): $2,799.32Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.70%Buyer: Alesia and Yauhen BliznetsSeller: Neo Realty Group LLC and Gary Liberman
32936 N. Roundhead DriveSolon West$315,000Property Tax (2019): $5,984.14Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.90%Buyer: Jeremy A. PreeSeller: AZNP3 LLC
7625 Worlington DriveSolon East$835,000Property Tax (2019): $23,441.48Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.81%Buyer: Caroline Haddadin and Sherif AssaadSeller: Alan Nedza
34825 Solon RoadSolon North$150,000Property Tax (2019): $4,752.34Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.17%Buyer: Delano OrsiniSeller: Frank W. Edwards
7514 Worlington DriveSolon East$1,075,000Property Tax (2019): $21,643.92Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.01%Buyer: Ernest W. and Rebekah M. MarshallSeller: Linda F. Sims (declaration of trust)
5864 North OvalSolon North$214,000Property Tax (2019): $5,604.10Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.62%Buyer: Nasim Shafiabadi and Shahab NooriSeller: Carly I Prather and Daniel J. Ledasil
6551 Arbordale Ave.Solon West$195,000Property Tax (2019): $5,198.42Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.67%Buyer: Brenda L Schiralli and James H. RothernbergSeller: Debra A. Costigan, Robert S. Balcerzak, Sharon M Fudale and Susan M. Geary
6743 Solon Blvd.Solon West$150,000Property Tax (2019): $3,117.20Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.08%Buyer: Dan D. Xiao and Levi N HarperSeller: Nicholas A. Depompei
6572 Forest Glen Ave.Solon West$218,000Property Tax (2019): $4,466.34Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.05%Buyer: Desiree HawthorneSeller: Susan Azzarello