11011 Dove Ave.$24,800Property Tax (2019): $779.18Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.14%Buyer: Richaun N Bunton and Richelle N GraySeller: Ronald C Lane
2212 E. 85th St.$3,000Property Tax (2019): $1,371.86Effective Property Tax Rate: 45.73%Buyer: Kalenga NamugandikaSeller: Assets Off Market Inc.
699 E. 124th St.$15,300Property Tax (2019): $480.60Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.14%Buyer: Jacquelyn F. B. and Leamon EddieSeller: Robert J. Bunton
7502 Franklin Ave.$52,800Property Tax (2019): $1,657.90Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.14%Buyer: Guardian City Investments LLCSeller: Vault Properties LLC
9000 Yale Ave.$610,630Property Tax (2019): $1,060.72Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.17%Buyer: Cuisia Dabir (trust), Priyadarshan Dabir and Zenaida E Silva CuisiaSeller: Guardian Fund LLC
2994 Ludlow Road$235,000Property Tax (2019): $5,207.16Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.22%Buyer: David R. Setchell and Marika K EmersonSeller: Danielle Robinson and Rachel Haas
2805 E. 120th St.$93,000Property Tax (2019): $700.28Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.75%Buyer: Benjamin and Karen CedillosSeller: Jennifer Turner Investments LLC
1335 W. 106th St.$399,900Property Tax (2019): $3,600.02Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.90%Buyer: Entrust Group Inc.Seller: Harald Schetrompf
12510 Lena Ave.$56,000Property Tax (2019): $1,880.26Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.36%Buyer: Jagdesh and Lavika Sookah PhagooSeller: Brian Miller
4626 Archmere Ave.$108,500Property Tax (2019): $2,159.12Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.99%Buyer: Shelby PerrySeller: Albert Mikes
3267 E. 128th St.$80,000Property Tax (2019): $659.92Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.82%Buyer: Divvy Homes Warehouse III LLCSeller: Junius Sanford
3856 W. 165th St.$108,000Property Tax (2019): $2,585.92Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.39%Buyer: Gerbert and Linda DarlingtonSeller: Austin P. Robinson
3778 W. 39th St.$95,000Property Tax (2019): $1,293.86Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.36%Buyer: Gareth W NeumannSeller: Jennifer Miller
10805 Clifton Blvd.$300,000Property Tax (2019): $4,660.78Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.55%Buyer: C N D Properties Inc.Seller: Loretta J. and Paul P. Kazmer
2235 West Blvd.$205,000.09Property Tax (2019): $3,687.90Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.80%Buyer: Kev in Cle LLCSeller: Economy LLC
3156 W. 46th St.$45,000Property Tax (2019): $991.70Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.20%Buyer: Vanessa GarciaSeller: Daniel P. and David B. and James W. Smith
12621 Matherson Ave.$20,000Property Tax (2019): $1,108.26Effective Property Tax Rate: 5.54%Buyer: Alpha Delivery LLCSeller: Daniel Wigfall
3605 W. 130th St.$30,000Property Tax (2019): $1,676.72Effective Property Tax Rate: 5.59%Buyer: Alpha Delivery LLCSeller: Daniel Wigfall
3298 W. 126th St.$25,000Property Tax (2019): $1,673.14Effective Property Tax Rate: 6.69%Buyer: Alpha Delivery LLCSeller: Daniel Wigfall
2222 Fulton Road$125,000Property Tax (2019): $2,131.32Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.71%Buyer: Aha Fulton LLCSeller: Ashley Ziganti and Timothy Kovach
13117 Edgewood Ave.$61,000Property Tax (2019): $1,321.66Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.17%Buyer: Monique D. and Thomas G. HawkesSeller: Carole Bingley and Evelyn B. Andrews
14408 Triskett Road$150,000Property Tax (2019): $2,771.54Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.85%Buyer: Emily MillsSeller: Russell D. Brunn
2222 Detroit Ave.$310,000Property Tax (2019): $941.48Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.30%Buyer: Johnathon V DallarosaSeller: Timothy D Gallagher
5200 Bridge Ave.$249,000Property Tax (2019): $5,693.70Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.29%Buyer: Molly K WibergSeller: Charlotte E. Lasenna
3458 Doris Ave.$290,000Property Tax (2019): $3,879.78Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.34%Buyer: Joseph HurlessSeller: Cody M Dieckman
1271 W. 105th St.$269,750Property Tax (2019): $4,456.34Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.65%Buyer: Grant R FarmerSeller: Jean A. and Scott and Sean C. Walker
3452 Tuttle Ave.$200,000Property Tax (2019): $3,797.30Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.90%Buyer: Justin C. Politi and Sophie R. MillerSeller: MacKenzie A. and William R. Phillips
12818 Beachwood Ave.$62,500Property Tax (2019): $495.84Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.79%Buyer: Vidmar Estates LLCSeller: Fratello Management LLC
12818 Beachwood Ave.$62,500Property Tax (2019): $495.84Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.79%Buyer: Gurneet and Ritesh HalduniaSeller: Vidmar Estates LLC
4142 Rustic Road$275,000Property Tax (2019): $4,714.56Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.71%Buyer: John J. DoyleSeller: Mafalda R. Koskey (living trust) and Diane Czinger
5106 Wichita Ave.$64,000Property Tax (2019): $2,219.20Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.47%Buyer: SFR3 030 LLCSeller: Harriet B. Sundermeier
13613 Puritas Ave.$110,000Property Tax (2019): $1,700.94Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.55%Buyer: Mariah WoodSeller: Malerie Marinucci and Michele Privara
11904 Triskett$122,000Property Tax (2019): $1,444.48Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.18%Buyer: Kailey M Reed and Thomas J. EvansSeller: Dennis Mepham
4514 W. 154th St.$134,500Property Tax (2019): $2,159.12Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.61%Buyer: Alex Deliz and Elysllionalis CartagenaSeller: Renata C Rabasi
4624 W. 157th St.$139,000Property Tax (2019): $1,980.70Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.42%Buyer: Cindy E M Cruz and Miguel A. F DejesusSeller: Jessica Rodriguez
3581 W. 52nd St.$37,000Property Tax (2019): $417.84Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.13%Buyer: F & J Forest Investment LLCSeller: Diana Lieber
1077 E. 143rd St.$92,000Property Tax (2019): $780.96Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.85%Buyer: Worthing Properties LLCSeller: Ohbroncs Properties LLC
9105 Vineyard Ave.$140,000Property Tax (2019): $1,459.74Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.04%Buyer: Janiece S. and Solomon YisraelSeller: Holly B Campbell and Ian E Eckard
511 E. 126th St.$35,000Property Tax (2019): $650.08Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.86%Buyer: Shelley TerrellSeller: Venear Sims
11823 Browning Ave.$40,000Property Tax (2019): $848.22Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.12%Buyer: Kersey Investments LLCSeller: Albatross Investments LLC
3814 Cecilia Ave.$100,000Property Tax (2019): $2,093.66Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.09%Buyer: Donna J TorresSeller: Lino B. and Rosanna Buttazzoni
2071 W. 103rd St.$155,000Property Tax (2019): $1,237.38Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.80%Buyer: Sara BeckerSeller: Guardian City Investments LLC
3880 Strandhill Road$81,557Property Tax (2019): $2,420.04Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.97%Buyer: Nio Phoenix LLCSeller: Bcd Properties Inc.
3253 E. 56th Place$25,900Property Tax (2019): $386.46Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.49%Buyer: Rehab & More LLCSeller: Christel Real Estates LLC
4232 W. 48th St.$55,000Property Tax (2019): $2,134.92Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.88%Buyer: Jerry G. PierceSeller: Daniel C. Prater
3229 E. 121st St.$87,900Property Tax (2019): $1,030.24Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.17%Buyer: Astor Bunny LLCSeller: Rehab & More LLC
3562 Kimmel Road$44,000Property Tax (2019): $471.64Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.07%Buyer: Invest US LLCSeller: Atlantic Real Estate Renovations LLC
3562 Kimmel Road$64,000Property Tax (2019): $471.64Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.74%Buyer: Immo Fus LLCSeller: Invest US LLC
11927 Minor Ave.$55,000Property Tax (2019): $540.68Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.98%Buyer: Mick LLCSeller: Delax LLC
357 E. 123rd St.$35,000Property Tax (2019): $722.70Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.06%Buyer: Elias ElassirSeller: Andrew D. and Michele Clark
3430 Trowbridge Ave.$36,600Property Tax (2019): $926.24Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.53%Buyer: Carlos Fisher and Lisa GambleSeller: Cuyahoga County Sheriff
3272 W. 54th St.$43,100Property Tax (2019): $703.88Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.63%Buyer: 1071 Cranbrook LLCSeller: Cuyahoga County Sheriff
9905 Nelson Ave.$18,100Property Tax (2019): $697.58Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.85%Buyer: Grover HorneSeller: Cuyahoga County Sheriff
2107 Broadview Road$61,700Property Tax (2019): $1,820.18Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.95%Buyer: Epl Group LLCSeller: Cuyahoga County Sheriff
3468 W. 63rd St.$65,382Property Tax (2019): $574.76Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.88%Buyer: Alice M. and Timothy H. SearlesSeller: Thomas Hilderandt
6609 Meadowbrook Ave.$117,000Property Tax (2019): $2,413.78Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.06%Buyer: Sandi DixonSeller: Jerred R Huber
3300 W. 90th St.$77,000Property Tax (2019): $1,528.78Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.99%Buyer: Joey X BuonoSeller: Cody A. Johnson
2997 Becket Road$117,000Property Tax (2019): $3,954.80Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.38%Buyer: Tenise DavisSeller: Carolyn Freeman and Michelle L Hairston
1135 E. 143rd St.$45,000Property Tax (2019): $910.10Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.02%Buyer: Shadina ScottSeller: Shoval Bublil
3723 W. 39th St.$68,593Property Tax (2019): $913.68Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.33%Buyer: Linda J Hawkins and Yakimi M PierceSeller: Giles Manias
3526 E. 146th St.$78,000Property Tax (2019): $1,694.66Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.17%Buyer: Dulce Revolution Properties LLCSeller: Janice A. Oliver Haynes (revocable trust)
4030 W. 166th St.$220,000Property Tax (2019): $3,537.26Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.61%Buyer: Adam D. FifeSeller: Christina N Borgia
4103 W. 56th St.$146,000Property Tax (2019): $2,184.24Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.50%Buyer: Jeffrey Q SteinwachsSeller: Gerald F. and Migdalia Sobarnia
13700 Shaker Blvd.$107,000Property Tax (2019): $4,442.06Effective Property Tax Rate: 4.15%Buyer: Adam Didomenico and Greg BlackhallSeller: Marla L Simon
15110 Kingsford Ave.$36,999Property Tax (2019): $998.88Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.70%Buyer: Masis Karapetyan and Naira KhachatryanSeller: Structured Asset Investment Loan (trust), US Bank, NA and Wells Fargo Bank
12512 Dove Ave.$34,400Property Tax (2019): $1,079.56Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.14%Buyer: Green Pointe Management LLCSeller: Annie L. Baker
12512 Dove Ave.$34,400Property Tax (2019): $1,079.56Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.14%Buyer: Bobby L ShepardSeller: Green Pointe Management LLC
901 College Ave.$710,000Property Tax (2019): $5,604.94Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.79%Buyer: Stella Maris Inc.Seller: Edward C. Malesic
7801 Vineyard Ave.$75,000Property Tax (2019): $1,541.34Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.06%Buyer: Alberto GuerraSeller: Hitechistim Investors LLC
10606 Thrush Ave.$94,000Property Tax (2019): $1,735.90Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.85%Buyer: Roberta L JonesSeller: Cadeau Joro
3344 W. 31st St.$100,000Property Tax (2019): $967.48Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.97%Buyer: Bvjc LLCSeller: Chelsea Duty
13612 Ellwood Ave.$75,000Property Tax (2019): $1,688.38Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.25%Buyer: Brian LegarthSeller: Jamy M Barnhart and Jamy M Johnson
1407 W. 10th St.$502,000Property Tax (2019): $12,933.22Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.58%Buyer: Kelly E KrausSeller: Wesley C. Koontz
12613 Milligan Ave.$57,000Property Tax (2019): $982.74Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.72%Buyer: Christina and Cory ThompsoinSeller: Aries Lighthouse Properties LLC
3832 E. 55th St.$54,000Property Tax (2019): $1,020.38Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.89%Buyer: Amtock (trust), Alan K W Chan and Muky J DALSeller: Fleet Enterprise LLC
12206 Mount Overlook Ave.$7,000Property Tax (2019): $2,416.46Effective Property Tax Rate: 34.52%Buyer: Herb YoungSeller: Antonio Barbee
6101 Kenyon Ave.$7,500Property Tax (2019): $1,281.30Effective Property Tax Rate: 17.08%Buyer: Peter OgletreeSeller: Kan W. and Sandy Ning
3253 E. 56th Place$58,000Property Tax (2019): $386.46Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.67%Buyer: Marcelo Gil and Piccolo LorenaSeller: Rehab & More LLC
1057 E. 146th St.$65,000Property Tax (2019): $763.04Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.17%Buyer: Clint Holding LLCSeller: Amavat Investments LLC
3651 E. 103rd St.$59,900Property Tax (2019): $583.72Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.97%Buyer: Claudia C AllenSeller: Rehab & More LLC
8005 Neville Ave.$69,000Property Tax (2019): $1,127.08Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.63%Buyer: Jonathan PerezSeller: Blair F Heiserman
3753 E. 144th St.$70,000Property Tax (2019): $1,189.84Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.70%Buyer: Invest US LLCSeller: P&S Cashflow Properties LLC
3753 E. 144th St.$96,500Property Tax (2019): $1,189.84Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.23%Buyer: Patrimoine Et Investissement LLCSeller: Invest US LLC
3371 Berea Road$213,500Property Tax (2019): $2,420.04Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.13%Buyer: Brandy PottsSeller: Suburban West LLC
7808 Force Ave.$51,500Property Tax (2019): $1,390.68Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.70%Buyer: Bonnie WuSeller: Vishnu Property Management LLC
4362 Wyatt Road$55,000Property Tax (2019): $2,012.06Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.66%Buyer: SFR3 030 LLCSeller: Brisha D Hobbs and Brisha D Lewis,
6126 Carpenter Ave.$25,000Property Tax (2019): $1,500.10Effective Property Tax Rate: 6.00%Buyer: O'G Investment LLCSeller: Cascade Funding Mortgage Trust HB4
2112 W. Seventh St.$53,690Property Tax (2019): $5,179.02Effective Property Tax Rate: 9.65%Buyer: Jill Lackey and Jill LemieuxSeller: Aaron Lemieux
4217 Ardmore Ave.$30,000Property Tax (2019): $1,726.04Effective Property Tax Rate: 5.75%Buyer: Leeanne HollowaySeller: Ingrid E. and Ron A. Margevicius
16608 Burnside Ave.$22,000Property Tax (2019): $1,293.86Effective Property Tax Rate: 5.88%Buyer: RB Trout LLCSeller: Robyn Ivory
1327 W. 102nd St.$95,000Property Tax (2019): $3,188.48Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.36%Buyer: Rising Time Investments LLCSeller: Charles E. Brown
6603 Gertrude Ave.$45,000Property Tax (2019): $963.90Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.14%Buyer: Virtual Property Group LLCSeller: Bozena Gruszczynska, Carol Gasiewski and Zdzislaw Wojciechowski
3788 E. 52nd St.$145,000Property Tax (2019): $1,186.26Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.82%Buyer: Home Partners LLCSeller: Lael LLC
4086 E. 81st St.$39,000Property Tax (2019): $712.84Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.83%Buyer: Patrick J. CarrSeller: Invest Corp.
17201 Lipton Ave.$40,000Property Tax (2019): $668.90Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.67%Buyer: Home Partners LLCSeller: 17201 Lipton Avenue (trust) and Lipton 2 LLC
3133 W. 139th St.$167,500Property Tax (2019): $2,925.76Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.75%Buyer: Andrew VenturaSeller: Victoria C. Scarnati
1759 Fulton Road$135,000Property Tax (2019): $1,917.92Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.42%Buyer: Mark SullivanSeller: Frances M. and Randy C. Lacey and Vanessa M Horvath
1900 Grove Court$139,000Property Tax (2019): $2,830.72Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.04%Buyer: Kevin A. ShuppeSeller: Alexander Kozich
16215 Miles Ave.$39,000Property Tax (2019): $1,045.50Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.68%Buyer: Home Partners LLCSeller: 16215 Miles Avenue (trust) and Miles LLC
12504 Carrington Ave.$79,400Property Tax (2019): $1,246.34Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.57%Buyer: 12504CARRINGTON LLCSeller: Hung P Dong
13821 Deise Ave.$25,000Property Tax (2019): $568.46Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.27%Buyer: Four Cleveland Properties LLCSeller: William Wright