12316 OAKVIEW BLVDGarfield Heights South$160,000Property Tax (2019): $3,324.82Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.08%Buyer: Walter JonesSeller: Atanska G. and George Stoykova
13113 THRAVES RDGarfield Heights South$145,921Property Tax (2019): $3,689.74Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.53%Buyer: Garrett ClardySeller: Devon L Sanders
11010 MCCRACKEN RDGarfield Park$140,000Property Tax (2019): $2,910.34Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.08%Buyer: Viola JonesSeller: Hiteshkumar P. and Nayan Patel
12305 BANGOR AVEGarfield Heights South$153,000Property Tax (2019): $2,830.24Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.85%Buyer: Bay Street Homes LLCSeller: Valerie J Parker
12810 LITTLETON RDGarfield Heights South$145,000Property Tax (2019): $2,942.12Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.03%Buyer: Christopher Jones and India WilliamsSeller: Michelle R Hibbit
11204 WADSWORTH AVEGarfield Park$50,000Property Tax (2019): $2,342Effective Property Tax Rate: 4.68%Buyer: MFR5 LLCSeller: Equity Trust Co.
8453 BAND DRGarfield Park Northwest$164,000Property Tax (2019): $3,534.62Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.16%Buyer: Grace Yokley and Jonathan P. HollandSeller: Ioan A. and Maria E. Chelbezan